Saturday 29 September 2012

September- why we broke up

Hey Guys,

I'm surprised I've had time to finish a whole book this month because I've been so busy but I've read a few and have finally got a few hours to catch up and write my blog posts!

'Why we broke up' by Daniel Handler
Handler writes about a young girl who has just broken up with a guy named Ed and a collection of items that mark their time together.
A part of the blurb...
'Two bottle caps, a movie ticket from Greta in the Wild, a note from you, a box of matches, your protractor, Joan's book, the stolen sugar, a toy truck, those ugly earrings, a comb from the motel and the rest of it.
This is it, Ed.
The whole story of why we broke up'

I enjoyed the book immensely however it did take me a while to connect with the story initially. I was surprised to find out that Daniel Handler is also the creator of Lemony Snicket novels!

My favourite part about this book is the feel of the pages, bright and colourful images to mark each item and the layout, its a really friendly approachable paperback even if it was quite pricey!