Monday 9 April 2012

Easter Reads

BOOK OF THE MONTH: The Fame Game by Lauren Conrad
After reading Conrad's first series L.A. Candy I was excited when I saw another novel due to be released, browsing in my local Waterstones book store I came across The Fame Game in its lovely black, white and pink hardback cover- I love new books!
Sinking my teeth into this novel was easy considering it had been a while since I read the first series; this book would suit people who have read the previous ones and those who have no idea of the plot.

The Fame Game follows a few characters who are embarking on a journey to stardom after being chosen by producers to be on a reality TV programme. The novel is a fun and lively read and would suit those who enjoy a chick flick... one to recommend to girly girls or those who want a light summer read.

'Style' is another book written by Lauren Conrad but is more to flick through and for those into fashion magazines; including some lovely pictures and I have to say her website/blog are my guilty pleasures too!

I mentioned in a previous blog that my sister and I were reading The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale, well we finally finished it! It was a really enjoyable book about an adventure of a princess on a journey to marry a prince but as they draw nearer to the town she is betrayed by her guard and has to fight for her survival. She manages to get a job looking after the geese (hence the title being Goose Girl) at the palace, in which her maid claims to be the princess, to keep an eye on the situation and to eventually tell the truth to her new kingdom.
This was a really nice book for Lucy and I to bond over, we read a few pages every now and again and it was good wondering what would happen and discussing this together.

Happy Reading and Happy Easter!

Love Ellie xx